Superintendents: Review details on 2023-24 Driver Education; documents due July 14


To: School District Superintendents
From: Brian McGairty, Bureau Director
Office of Safe and Orderly Schools

Jonathan J. Tillman, Sr., Pupil Transportation Administrator
Division of Pupil Transportation

Subject: Application for Approval and State-Aid for Teaching Driver Education
2023-2024 Regular Session

Below is an Application to the Mississippi State Board of Education for approval and state aid for teaching Driver Education (DE-1) for the 2023-2024 regular school session.

2023-2024 DE-1 Application

2023-2024 DE-2 Form

2023-2024 Directory Update Letter

Please distribute copies of these forms to the principals in the school where driver education will be offered during the 2023-2024 regular school session. If the district has multiple high
schools, please submit all completed forms from the schools together, not separately, to the Division of Pupil Transportation. Please ensure that the district follows the policies
and procedures outlined in the Mississippi Driver Education Framework.

The Mississippi State Board of Education must approve applications before the Mississippi Department of Public Safety will issue a Learner’s Permit to 14-year-old students taking
the course. Therefore, please ensure that the district receives an approval from the Division of Pupil Transportation for Driver Education in the form of a letter or approval stamped and signed from the Pupil Transportation Administrator. This approval must be kept on file in the district. Failure to apply for approval from MDE will disqualify the district from receiving reimbursement for the driver education program at the end of the school year. Requisition for Reimbursement for Driver Education (DE-3), Summary of Students Completing Driver Education (DE-3A), and Driver Education Yearly Cost Report (DE-4) forms shall be submitted within ten (10) days of the last day of school for the 2023-2024 school year.

If the district submits the State-Owned Simulator Application (DE-2) form and it is approved, please be advised that full electrical power must be provided by the school district before the simulator can be delivered. A licensed electrician must be available when the simulator arrives in the district. Mississippi Driver Education technicians will only plug in the simulators to the electricity provided by the school district. Each school must have an application for Driver Education (DE-1) submitted with the DE-2 form. Please ensure that all principals at the high schools in the district are aware of the requirements for using a driver education simulator. In addition, a motor vehicle reportĀ (MVR) on all instructors must be submitted with the DE-1 application in order to obtain approval. Failure to submit the MVR will delay the approval of the application.

The DE-1, DE-2, and the MVR must be completed and submitted to the Mississippi Department of Education no later than Friday, July 14, 2023. The DE-1 and DE-2 may be found at Please email all completed forms to
Jonathan J. Tillman, Sr., Pupil Transportation Administrator at