Student & School Support Strategies – Hanover Research

Support Students and Families

  • The Role of Resiliency in Student Learning Recovery – Supporting students’ resiliency will be key to academic and social-emotional recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. In this research brief and discussion guide, Hanover reviews the available research on factors that promote resiliency and strategies schools can use to support students.
  • Best Practices for Instructional and SEL Recovery – This report examines the best practices for addressing academic and social-emotional recovery and includes strategies and innovative ideas from notable districts. The results of this research will provide guidance for district leaders as they strategically plan and communicate with parents about addressing the academic and social-emotional needs of students.
  • Communication Strategies for Districts and Schools – This report is to assist district leaders as they look to streamline communication to provide coherent messaging to support students, families, and staff in creating effective learning environments. The overview compiles best practices for communicating and maintaining effective engagement with stakeholders and how best to use communication tools (e.g., video conferencing applications, social media platforms) to keep the community engaged during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Hanover also profiles exemplar districts on their communication and engagement information, strategies, and innovative ideas.

Support School Staff

  • Principal-Staff Check-Ins Discussion Guide – Essentially, the periodic one-to-one check-in serves as a formal, non-evaluative mechanism to gauge individual staff members’ satisfaction with their work, give staff a voice in school operations and their own professional development, and create a space for staff to seek supports for specific professional or personal challenges they may be facing. This discussion guide provides questions to guide principals during check-ins with staff.
  • Considerations for Building Trauma-Sensitive Environments – The following report summarizes research on implementing trauma-sensitive school environments and examines strategies for supporting both staff and students. The report also includes spotlights of exemplary districts implementing trauma-supportive environments for staff and students, as well as strategies for creating trauma-sensitive environments in virtual settings.
  • School Staff Self-Care During COVID-19 – Districts across the country were able to quickly transition to distance learning as a result of COVID-19 related school closures but remain concerned about the social-emotional well-being of their staff members. Because districts value self-care for staff and believe self-care has become particularly important during the pandemic, the following info-brief was developed to support staff self-care as educators navigate the current crisis.