SAVE THE DATE: SREB Summer Training

The Mississippi  Department of Education will be hosting the Grade 8/9 SREB Ready for High School and Grade 12 SREB Ready and Essentials for College course trainings VIRTUALLY, the week of July 20-24, 2020.

To comply with recommended social distancing practices as a result of COVID-19, these trainings will be held virtually for both content areas (English/Literacy and Math) and all grades (Grade 8, 9, and 12). Time will be allocated for several interactive break-out sessions, personal work time, and group work to ensure fidelity of the training and individualized support.

Please note, space will be limited for these trainings.  As a result, space will be reserved only for teachers that meet both criteria listed below:

  1. Have never attended a training  AND
  2. Will be assigned the course in the 2020-2021 academic school year.

A detailed agenda and registration link will be sent out in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions about this information, please contact Dr. Marla Davis, Bureau Director, Secondary Education, at