Review 2022-23 Dyslexia information, including updates and deadlines

The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) Office of Intervention Services has updated the Dyslexia Screener Data Form.

All first-grade students must be screened for dyslexia by Oct. 21, 2022, and all kindergarten students by April 14, 2023, using one of the MS Approved List of Dyslexia Screeners. The Dyslexia Screener Data Form must be emailed to by May 5, 2023. If you have not submitted the dyslexia screener data form for the 2021 – 2022 school year, please do so at this time.

The 2022 Dyslexia Awareness Training information has been updated on the MDE Dyslexia Website. All new educators and paraprofessionals must be trained on dyslexia awareness. The criteria for the training can be found on the website along with the necessary forms that should be completed by the school district. The District Report Spreadsheet should be emailed to by May 31, 2023.

For questions, contact Bureau Director of Intervention Services, Laurie Weathersby at