Registration is open for the Mississippi Literacy Summit scheduled for Sept. 13-14 at the Jackson Convention Center. The event is free and has a schedule of special sessions for parents, guardians, educators, community partners and policy makers.
The summit theme is “A Shared Commitment to Literacy: Improving Literacy Outcomes for ALL from Birth to the Workforce.”
Local and national experts will present on ways educators, parents, communities and policy makers can enhance opportunities for children, from birth to high school, to become better, more proficient readers. Improved educational outcomes for children will enhance Mississippi’s job-ready workforce.
Selected session topics include:
- For Parents/Guardians: Promoting Literacy in the Home, Graduation Options, Understanding Special Education Services, Understanding Interventions and the Tier Process, and English Learner Supports
- For Educators: Data-driven Decision Making, Literacy 101, Addressing Students’ Cultural and Linguistic Needs, Scaffolding Instruction in Middle and High School, Dyslexia Evaluation, and Integrating Literacy in All Content Areas
- For Policy Makers: Impact of the Literacy-Based Promotion Act, How the Teacher Shortage Affects Literacy Outcomes, and Tools and Strategies for Building Community Support for Literacy
- For Community Partners: Preparing a School-ready Child, Understanding School and District Letter Grades, Talk to Read: Building Language for School Reading, and Reducing Chronic Absenteeism
Keynote speakers include:
- Maggie Wade, WLBT news anchor
- Karen Mapp, Ed.D. ,Harvard University senior lecturer and faculty director of education policy and management master’s program
- Luis Versalles, PreK-12 district partnership director at Pacific Educational Group, which focuses forging equity in education
CEUs, SEMIs, and Contact Hours will be awarded to educators based on attendance
each day.
More information:
Maggie Wade | Karen Mapp, Ed.D. | Luis Versalles |