MSCDD Grant Opportunity

MSCDD Request for Proposals: New Innovative Projects Needed to Improve Services, Educate Families and Policymakers, or Promote Self-Advocacy and Leadership for People with Disabilities

The Mississippi Council on Developmental Disabilities is accepting proposals for new, innovative grants to begin July 1, 2019. The deadline to submit proposals is noon on March 1, 2019. The mission of MSCDD is to improve the quality of life for people with developmental and other disabilities across the lifespan and their families. MSCDD expects to fund several one-year grants with approximately $200,000 available. Areas of emphasis may include community supports or services, employment, quality assurance, health, education, early intervention, child care, transportation, or recreation. Activities may include any new, innovative approach to address a need for people with developmental disabilities and families, self-advocacy empowerment, leadership development, future planning of care for aging adults with disabilities (supported decision making, guardianship, etc.), improved access to services or systems, or educating policymakers.  The Request for Proposals FY2020 is available at  For more information, call Christy Ashley at 601-359-5533 or email