MDE to host 12 regional Attendance Improvement Institutes

2 days a month is all it takes to be chronically absent

In partnership with the National Dropout Prevention Center (NDPC), the Mississippi Department of Education will host 12 regional Attendance Improvement Institutes through April 2024.

Each two-day institute will guide district-level teams in building locally appropriate, research-based, and foundational attendance improvement plans that have a high probability of significantly improving attendance rates at the local level.

Additionally, the institute prepares district-level teams to replicate the attendance improvement planning process with school-site teams to provide necessary professional development to school-site teams, and to guide and sustain school-level initiatives.

Each Mississippi public school district is asked to bring a team of six consisting of the following leaders:

  1. Superintendent or superintendent’s designee
  2. Attendance clerk
  3. Parent liaison (or the like)
  4. Grade K-5 principal
  5. Grade 6-12 principal

Please see the attached announcement Attendance Improvement Institutes 2024 and select the location of your choice to register. Space is limited; CEUs and SEMIs will be available.