Help young students improve reading skills this summer

Summer of learning

The Mississippi Department of Education’s Summer of Learning and the Strong Readers websites offer great foundational skills to help your student reading. Visit

For this activity, use a short story, decodable reader or a poem.


  • Time your child reading from start to finish. You can use your smartphone timer, a stopwatch or the second hand on a clock.
  • Discuss any words that were read incorrectly before your child reads again.
  • Time your child multiple times as he or she reads the entire piece. Pay close attention to speed and accuracy.
  • For more reading activities, check out Homer application or the Strong Readers website.


  • Homer: This fun and exciting application improves reading fluency, increases academic vocabulary, and helps develop independent reading skills. (For login information, please see your student’s teacher or school administrator.) (K – 2nd)
  • Strong Readers: A collection of activities to help elementary students to become strong readers and strong leaders. (PreK – 5th)