Get your child moving this summer with exciting activities

Summer of learning

The Mississippi Department of Education’s Move to Learn website offers numerous activities to get your students moving. To get started, visit 

For this activity, you’ll need an inflated balloon.


  1. Stand shoulder to shoulder and place the balloon between the shoulders and walk to the designated finish line and back to the start.
  2. Facing each other holding the balloon between the left palms, use a slide step with the feet for traveling to the designated finish line and back to the start.
  3. Stand back-to-back with the balloon between the backs; use a slide step with the feet to move to the designated finish line and back to the start.
  4. Balance the balloon on a paper plate, arm extended to the front and walk to the designated finish line and back to the start.
  5. Repeat No. 4 but walk backwards.
  6. Place the balloon on the floor and use the feet to push/roll the balloon to the finish line, pick up the balloon and run back.

Resources: Move to Learn: Songs that incorporate movement and learning. (PreK – 5th)