This section of the EdUpdate includes important notifications from the Mississippi Department of Education to school and district superintendents and administrators. These announcements will remain posted for 90 days. View information about professional development opportunities and resources in other sections of the EdUpdate.
Mississippi Reads One Book
Mark your calendars! October 18, 2021, kicks off our Mississippi Reads One Book Initiative. Schools across the state will “be on the same page” as we read one book together. To learn…
Supporting Family Involvement in Reading Foundational Skills
Teacher leadership and communication are critical—the more teachers encourage and assist parents and caregivers in supporting their child’s literacy development, the more likely they are to become involved in their…
Behavioral Support in the New Normal – Hanover Research
As district leaders prepare for the 2021-22 school year, school discipline is one area requiring further planning and attention. Nationally, K-12 schools anticipate an array of mental health and social-emotional…
National ABLE to SAVE Contest
The month of August has been deemed “National ABLE to Save Month”. Thanks to the Mississippi Council on Development Disabilities, funding has…
ARP ESSER Plan for Mississippi
ARP ESSER State Plan Template 7.8.2021 As a requirement of the American Rescue Plan (ARP), each state education agency must provide descriptions and other information to address how the state…
Teacher Retention Survey: Complete by August 4
The Mississippi Department of Education wants to hear from teachers on whether they will be returning to the profession in the 2021-2022 school year. A retention survey has been developed…
Mississippi Connects: Deadline Extended to July 23 to Apply to Receive Digital Learning Supports for Your School
The next phase of the Mississippi Connects initiative, the Digital Learning Coach (DLC) program, which will provide individualized supports to administrators and teachers as they adapt to the challenges of digital learning and using educational technology to improve student outcomes. Schools that participate in the DLC program will receive the…
MDE Office of Professional Development New Trainings
The Office of Professional Development is excited to share with you new trainings coming this month. Viewing the Future Through a SET Lens: SEL, Equity and Trauma Informed Teaching Students…
The Mississippi Department of Education, through the Office of Secondary Education, is pleased to offer the Under the Microscope science chat for the month of July. This science chat session is scheduled for July 21, 2021 at 3:30 pm to 4:30…
First Annual Computer Science Education Summit: July 27
You are invited to attend the first ever Computer Science Education Summit from 1-5 p.m. July 27, sponsored by the Mississippi Department of Education and the Center for Cyber Education at Mississippi State…