This section of the EdUpdate includes important notifications from the Mississippi Department of Education to school and district superintendents and administrators. These announcements will remain posted for 90 days. View information about professional development opportunities and resources in other sections of the EdUpdate.
Scholarships available to teachers for 2023 AP Summer Institutes; Apply by Feb. 14
The College Board is offering several competitive scholarships to teachers for the 2023 AP Summer Institutes. The application deadline for all scholarships is Feb. 14, 2023. AP® Summer Institutes (APSIs)…
Register for the Digital Learning January Cloud Conference by Jan. 3
friEdTechnology will host a free virtual conference Jan. 4, 2023. Registration closes Jan. 3, 2023. Participants can attend up to five webinars throughout the day focusing on Google and Microsoft…
MDE releases the Early Learning Collaborative Request for Applications due Jan. 13
The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) Office of Early Childhood (OEC) has released a new Request for Applications (RFA) for competitive written applications for Cohort V Round II of the…
Schools can join Mississippi Reads One Book event
Mississippi Reads One Book helps teachers and families create a memorable reading experience across the school community and throughout the state. Participating schools will receive one copy of J.D. and…
State Board of Education accepting applications for 2023-24 Junior Student Representative; Apply by Jan. 27
Attention: Superintendents, High School Principals and Counselors: The Mississippi State Board of Education (SBE) is accepting applications for the Junior Student Representative position to the SBE from students who will…
High schools can join student led, peer-developed initiative to prevent targeted school violence
Mississippi high schools are invited to participate in a free school safety and prevention program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships this…
Districts invited to apply for the Spring Teach to Lead Summit; Deadline is Jan. 6
The U.S. Department of Education, ASCD, and TeachPlus are inviting districts to nominate themselves to be a part of the Spring Teach to Lead Summit. Applications are due HERE by…
MAAP-A Item Writing Workshop for Special Education teachers set for March 14-16; Survey deadline is Jan. 6
The Mississippi Department of Education’s Office of Student Assessment is seeking a list of qualified participants for the MAAP-A Item Writing Workshop (IWW) from March 14-16, 2023. Interest survey deadline…
MAAP ELA, Math Item Writing Workshop set for March 13-16; Survey deadline is Dec. 21
The Mississippi Department of Education’s Office of Student Assessment (OSA) is seeking a list of qualified participants for a MAAP Item Writing Workshop (IWW) set for March 13-16, 2023. Deadline…
STAR Student Education Celebration set for April 13; Deadline to submit info is Feb. 1
The STAR Student Education Celebration will take place April 13, 2023, at the Clyde Muse Center, 515 Country Place Parkway, in Pearl, Mississippi. Students, teachers and their family, friends and…