This section of the EdUpdate includes important notifications from the Mississippi Department of Education to school and district superintendents and administrators. These announcements will remain posted for 90 days. View information about professional development opportunities and resources in other sections of the EdUpdate.
Clarity Regarding Executive Order 1517
The MDE asked the Office of the Governor for clarity about Executive Order 1517, which delays the start of the academic year until August 17 for students in grades 7-12 in school districts located in Bolivar, Coahoma, Forrest,…
Virtual Literacy Instruction Guide for K-5 Teachers (New Resource)
The Office of Elementary Education and Reading, Division of Literacy, in collaboration with Barksdale Reading Institute (BRI) has developed a Virtual Literacy Instruction Guide for Kindergarten through Grade 5 Teachers. This…
Screener Guidance for Virtual Administration
Due to an increased number of districts using 100% virtual option for at least some students, the MDE has updated the Fall 2020 Universal Screening and Kindergarten Readiness Guidance Document. Mississippi State Board Policy 41.1 paragraph…
State Board Action on 180-day School Year
In accordance with Miss. Code Ann. § 37-13-63(2) and as a part of the current state of emergency due to COVID-19, the State Board of Education voted today to waive…
PPE and Sanitizer Products Ready to Ship
2020-07-27_COVID PPE & Sanitizer Offering Due to COVID-19, we ask that you look at using as a tool to help make purchases and monitor your Ferguson account while adhering…
Census Bureau Shortens Deadline from Oct. 31 to Sept. 30, Sounding Alarm for Mississippi
Mississippi had a 61.3% self-response rate in the 2010 census. The door-to-door census operation helped that number rise to 91.1% enumeration, but it was still one of the lowest in…
Hanover Research Resources: Strategic Planning and Instructional Tools in the New Normal
DISTRICT PLANNING GUIDES Action Guide: Characteristics of High-Performing Schools – This research brief summarizes key characteristics as districts reframe their strategies and priorities for the upcoming year. Areas include collaboration…
MDE Releases Supports for Parents of English Learners and the EL Progress Checklist
The Mississippi Department of Education is pleased to share two new documents for district use: Supports for Parents of English Learners and the EL Progress Checklist. Supports for Parents of…
Free SREB Workshops Engaging Students Virtually: Innovative Practices
Join us for a FREE series of 2-hour introductory workshops on innovative practices for teaching students in a virtual setting. These sessions will help you adapt Join us for a FREE series of 2-hour introductory…
MSIS / Local Package Calendar Entry
We have received questions about data entry for districts that plan to start PK-6th grade students earlier than students in 7th-12th grade. The information below should address this concern and…