This section of the EdUpdate includes important notifications from the Mississippi Department of Education to school and district superintendents and administrators. These announcements will remain posted for 90 days. View information about professional development opportunities and resources in other sections of the EdUpdate.
Tips and training to help teachers confidently switch to online education
As you know, the pandemic has forced many teachers and students to move to online learning. And with the status of physically going back to school in the fall still…
Required CCR Course
The College and Career Readiness Course (CCR) is a required course for the Class of 2022. The CCR curriculum, a recording of the 2020 CCR professional development, a FAQ section, and…
Assessment Window Extensions
The Office of Student Assessment (OSA) has been working diligently with the Mississippi assessment vendors to determine if the MDE would be allowed to extend the testing windows for the…
DonorsChoose Model Crowdfunding Policy
Model Crowdfunding Policy DonorsChoose + Mississippi Impact Report DonorsChoose is a non-profit organization that has worked closely with the Council of Chief State School Officers, the National School Boards Association,…
Alternative Education Self-Assessment
Pursuant to the Mississippi Code of 1972, Section 37-13-92, the school boards of all school districts shall establish, maintain and operate, in connection with the regular programs of the school…
ACTION REQUIRED: District Restart and Recovery Plans
MDE Restart & Recovery Guidance & Summary – July 2020 Greetings Superintendents: As districts continue to prepare for the upcoming school year, we know that many of you are planning…
Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA): Paid Leave Due to COVID-19
H.R. 6201, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), went into effective April 1, 2020 and will apply through December 31, 2020. It provides guidance to all employers, to include…
2019-2020 School Bond Elections
2019-2020 School Bond Election Fillable Form 7.8.20 2019-2020 School Bond Elections Memo 7.8.20 Please see the attached memorandum from Brian McGairty, Bureau Director, Office of Safe and Orderly Schools related…
Updates from the Office of District and School Performance
Normally, at this time, the MDE would be preparing data to send to districts regarding Senior Snapshot and ACT data review for use in 2019-2020 accountability results; however, it will…
Virtual Meeting for District English Learner (EL) Coordinators, Directors, and Lead Teachers
The Mississippi Department of Education is hosting an English Learner check-in meeting Monday, July 20, for district EL leaders from across the state. This meeting is an opportunity for EL coordinators,…