Screener Guidance for Virtual Administration

Due to an increased number of districts using 100% virtual option for at least some students, the MDE has updated the Fall 2020 Universal Screening and Kindergarten Readiness Guidance Document. Mississippi State Board Policy 41.1 paragraph 7 states that all students in kindergarten and grades 1 through 3 shall be administered a state-approved screener with in the first 30 days of school and repeated at mid-year and at the end of the school year to identify any deficiencies in reading.

The guidance document was originally posted on July 29, 2020 and was updated August 6, 2020.

Universal Screening and Kindergarten Readiness

Below you will find changes to the FAQs concerning virtual screening.

Can students test from home? 

At this time, the expectation is that all districts will administer K-3 screeners and the Kindergarten Readiness in-person for students in a traditional or hybrid setting. Districts should consider how to administer screeners in a small group setting on campus to allow for social distancing among students. For students receiving 100% virtual instruction, districts may choose to screen these students virtually or in-person for the K-3 screener and the Kindergarten Readiness. Please use recommendations for remote administration from your screener vendor for the K-3 screeners. Please see guidance from Renaissance to administer the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment virtually. (Coming soon)

What happens if parents refuse to bring their child to school? 

If districts chose in-person administration then the district should make three attempts to contact the parent and test the child. If the parent refuses to bring the child, please keep or have access to written documentation of this contact. The final contact would be best documented through certified mail.

We have also posted the link and resources from the Kindergarten Readiness Webinar.

2020 Kindergarten Readiness Training Video

2020 Kindergarten Readiness Training Slides

DTC Webinar FAQ

Please contact Melissa Beck at mailto:mbeck@mdek12.orgif your district will begin school before the assessment window opens or will need the window to be extended due to a late opening, so every school district can be accommodated.