Engaging Students in Mathematical Modeling PD workshop set for March 1


The Center for Mathematics and Science Education (CMSE) at The University of Mississippi will host a special professional development workshop in Oxford, Mississippi March 1.

Modeling with mathematics requires students to pose and explore real-world questions, identify and define relevant quantities, as well as test and revise mathematical models to answer these questions. In this one-day workshop, participants will discuss the modeling process and explore problems that engage elementary and secondary students in mathematical modeling

CEUs: 0.6 CEUs

Grade Band: 3–12

Date: March 1

Registration Deadline: Feb. 19

Time: 9 a.m.  to 4 p.m.

Location: The Center for Mathematics and Science Education
1111 Jackson Avenue West
Oxford, MS 38655

Registration Fee: $150 includes CEUs

Registration Link: https://cmse.olemiss.edu/mathematical-modeling/

For more information, please contact The Center for Mathematics and Science Education cmsepd@go.olemiss.edu or call 662-915-6621.