College and Career Readiness Summer 2023 course updates available

The Mississippi State Board of Education approved the newly revised College and Career Readiness standards May 18. Click here to view the revised curriculum (material presented to the State Board of Education). The new curriculum will be posted on the MDE Secondary Education College and Career Readiness webpage as well. Please note that Unit 9: College Transition / Summer Melt is new.

Professional development sessions will be provided via Zoom this summer to cover all changes to the curriculum. Click on one of the following links to register: Monday, July 24 from 9-11 or Monday, July 31st from 11-1. If you are not able to attend, a recording will be posted on the MDE Secondary Education College and Career Readiness webpage. (The same information will be covered in both sessions, so there is no need to attend both. Please choose one or the other.)

If you currently have access to the CCR Resources course hosted on Canvas at, it will be deleted on Wednesday, May 31.

If you would like to be added to the new 2023 CCR Resources Canvas course you must register here with a valid school or business email address. Access requests from personal email addresses will not be accepted.

If you have any questions, please contact Heather Morrison, Director of P20 Partnerships, at