The Every Student Succeeds Act – ESSA for short – replaces the No Child Left Behind Act. It is the latest version of the nation’s main K-12 law that has a longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students.
What does ESSA mean for Mississippi?
- ESSA aims to scale back the hands-on federal role in elementary and secondary education found in the No Child Left Behind legislation.
- ESSA provides a golden opportunity to help Mississippi achieve its vision to improve opportunities and outcomes for every student.
- The Mississippi Department of Education has formed an ESSA study group to review the law and how it impacts the work of the agency. We have invited stakeholders to participate in the development of a state plan that will be submitted to the U.S. Department of Education in 2017.
Mississippi has great news to share about the direction of public education. We are focusing our efforts to lift student achievement in the state and we are celebrating the gains we have made in the last few years. Read about the latest statewide student achievements here.
Visit Mississippi’s ESSA website for up-to-date information on upcoming meetings, feedback opportunities and resources, or email your ideas and feedback to MSSucceeds@mdek12.org.