Supporting Students in Trauma
- Considerations for Building Trauma-Sensitive Environments – This report discusses best practices for building trauma-sensitive environments to support students and staff districtwide, including in virtual settings. The report also highlights effective strategies used by individual districts nationwide.
- Best Practices for Trauma-Informed Instruction – This brief examines best practices for trauma-informed instruction, including classroom-based strategies for identifying, supporting, and teaching students coping with trauma.
Strategies to Address Social-Emotional Challenges
- Mitigating the Impact of Student Social Isolation During and After COVID-19 – This brief expands districts’ understanding of the symptoms and effects of social isolation in school-age children, provides guidance on how to identify students at greatest risk of social isolation, and highlights appropriate supports to mitigate the impact of social isolation during school closures and once students return to school.
- Supporting Students’ Social-Emotional Needs During COVID-19 – This brief contains strategies and resources districts and staff can leverage to support students’ and families’ social-emotional well-being during traumatic circumstances, including tips for communicating effectively and with empathy.
- Best Practices for School Mental Health Screenings – This brief provides an overview of best practices in administering universal mental health screenings in schools, identifies recommended mental health screening tools, and discusses districts’ obligations related to supporting students with identified mental health concerns.
- Establishing Partnerships to Support Student Wellness – This brief outlines how districts and community organizations can partner to implement systems and programs that support students’ health, wellness, and social-emotional development.