Greenwood is a quaint Mississippi Delta town that’s long been known for doing things big. Coined “Cotton Capital of the World,” Greenwood Radio station WGRM on Howard Street was the location of B.B. King’s first live broadcast in 1940. Morgan Freeman, Alphonso Ford, and Walter “Furry” Lewis are likely to come up during conversation about Greenwood, Mississippi’s history. Less likely to be mentioned in conversation, the Leflore County Juvenile Detention Center.
The center, located in historic downtown, is a temporary safe-place for kid’s who have found themselves caught up in the juvenile justice system. Unbeknownst to many, the center includes a fully operational classroom sponsored by the Leflore County School District which services students from 22 school districts. The classroom includes general education and special education teachers as well as a case manager. Youth awaiting court or serving out brief sentences in the center are expected to attend class daily.
So, how are the staff and students at the Leflore County Juvenile Detention Center doing things big? Students participate in character education as part of the academic day. Recently, a group of students expressed a desire to take character education one step further. They wanted a chance to give back to the community.
Due to the students circumstances and related detainment, finding a way for these youths to “give back” took a bit of brainstorming. Facility staff came up with an idea and connected with the Salvation Army in Greenwood. Students put together boxes and stuffed them with donated goods as part of a Thanksgiving Care Package project.
Being able to give back to the community offered the students an opportunity to practice good character and citizenship. Caring staff committed to not only educating but to creating positive experiences for these at-risk students is just another example of how Greenwood, Mississippi continues to do things big!