Teachers and Administrators are invited to join the Center for Mathematics and Science Education for this online book study.
All educators and students bring a variety of strengths to the mathematics classroom. In an environment hyper-focused on “what’s missing”, we may overlook opportunities to recognize the strengths that are right in front of us. Often these strengths are obvious, but sometimes they must be pinpointed by a skilled observer. Through this guided book study, you will discover your own teaching strengths and explore ways to identify the learning strengths of your students as you engage in a wide array of actionable classroom strategies. These instructional tools will help you harness your own teaching superpowers and celebrate the brilliance within each and every student!
CEUs: 2.0
SEMIs: 15
OSLs: 1
Grade Band: K – 12
Course Dates: May 24, 2021 – June 30, 2021
Registration deadline May 17, 2021
Time: Self-paced
Location: Online
Registration Fee: $150 (course only) or $175 (course and book)
Registration Link: https://cmse.olemiss.edu/strengths-based-teaching/
For more information, please contact The Center for Mathematics and Science
Education cmsepd@go.olemiss.edu 662-915-6621