Washington, D.C. – Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Board President and Mississippi Superintendent Carey M. Wright delivered a State of the States address March 5 at the Council’s 2018 Legislative Conference, sharing specific ways that states are leading to create a more equitable education system for all students.
Wright opened the conference before an audience of the nation’s state chiefs, state education agency staff and national education advocates by recognizing the progress states are making to improve education in this country, through the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) state plans and many other ways, as well as looking ahead at the challenges and how states can tackle them together.
“To do this,” she said in prepared remarks, “I think we have to look at our commitment to equity and how we are advancing that. ESSA and the plans we submitted are important, but those are just one piece of the work we are doing for the kids in this country.”
We saw states renew their commitment to equity in their written plans for ESSA, Wright said, and put pen to paper to outline strong plans for how they will improve education for some of our most vulnerable students.
Wright gave specific examples of how states are leading on each of the 10 equity commitments that chiefs committed to last year.
Wright concluded her remarks acknowledging the work ahead to ensure every student has access to equitable education opportunities.
“We will not be finished until we create an education system in each of our states where every student has access to the educational resources and rigor they need at the right moment in their education across race, gender, ethnicity, language, disability, sexual orientation, family background, or family income.
“This is an important moment for CCSSO. This is an important moment for our country. I am proud to see states leading on this critical issue, and I am proud to lead with each of you.”
Read Wright’s full prepared remarks here.
The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is a nonpartisan, nationwide, nonprofit organization of public officials who head departments of elementary and secondary education in the states, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense Education Activity, and five U.S. extra-state jurisdictions. CCSSO provides leadership, advocacy, and technical assistance on major educational issues. The Council seeks member consensus on major educational issues and expresses their views to civic and professional organizations, federal agencies, Congress, and the public.