Principals can apply for a Digital Learning Coach for schools by May 13

Principals interested in having a Digital Learning Coach at their schools should complete applications with the approval of their district superintendent by May 13.

The Mississippi Department of Education’s Digital Learning Coach (DLC) program is entering its second year. This program provides individualized supports to administrators and teachers as they adapt to the challenges of digital learning and using educational technology to improve student outcomes. The DLC program is a key part of Mississippi Connects, which includes purchasing devices and learning management systems, increasing internet connectivity, participating in professional development, and helping districts create or enhance their framework for providing digital instruction.

Schools that participate in the DLC program will receive the following supports during the 2022-2023 school year:

Schoolwide Coaching Supports
DLC program staff will work with school leadership to provide the following schoolwide digital learning supports:

  • Digital Learning Action Planning
  • Professional Development
  • PLCs

Cohort Coaching Supports
Digital Learning Coach (DLC) program staff will work with a cohort of 6-8 teachers to receive individualized coaching supports. Cohort members will receive the following weekly supports from their DLC for the entirety of the school year:

  • Classroom Observations
  • Coaching Conferences
  • Collaborative Lesson Planning
  • Modeling and Co-teaching

For more information, please watch this short video about the program and application. The DLC Application and additional information about the DLC program, including instructions and supporting coaching documents, can be found at

If you have any questions about the Digital Learning program, contact Melissa Banks at or Elise Brown at