Please review Individual Reading Plan clarification

The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) Division of Literacy is providing a clarification regarding an Individual Reading Plan (IRP) for K-3 students.

 An IRP is given only to a student with a significant reading deficiency.  A significant reading deficiency is determined by the school district through the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) process by utilizing multiple data points. After a student is given an universal screener, if the student’s score indicates he/she is below grade level, he/she should be given a diagnostic to determine the lowest deficit area. Diagnostic assessments provide in-depth information about students’ strengths and needs for Tier II supplemental instruction and/or Tier III intensive intervention.  The IRP should be developed immediately after the significant reading deficiency is identified. Parents must be notified within 10 days of the identification.

Parental Notification: The parent letter’s purpose is to visually show parents where their student’s score falls within the grade levels.  The grade level chart will inform parents how far below level their students are performing. For example, in IReady a Grade 3 student has shown 77 points of growth (which may seem great for growth) but scored a 520 placing the student in the Grade 1 band.

Required K-3 Parental Notification Letters About Supplemental Support


For students who are reading a few points below grade level, additional support(s) should include sending at-home activities that match their identified reading deficiency.

For students who are reading well below grade level (significant reading deficiency determined by multiple data points), additional supports should include regular meetings between parents/guardians and teachers, at-home activities that match their identified reading deficiency, and an IRP.

Universal Screening Companion Guide: The MDE has provided the cut scores identified by each universal screener company in the universal screener companion guide. The scores should be used to identify students who may have reading difficulties that may need additional diagnostics to determine if intensive reading interventions are necessary for that student. If it is determined the student needs intensive interventions to close significant reading deficiency gap, then the completion of appendix E in the Tier III documentation should be added.

Please contact Melissa Beck at with any questions.