July 26 – 30, 2021 | 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Microsoft Teams Webinars
We invite you to join our virtual Data & Technology Conference hosted by the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE), Office of Technology and Strategic Services (OTSS). This virtual conference is open to all Mississippi superintendents, administrators, educators, IT staff, school improvement team members, and anyone interested in improving student outcomes and learning the importance of quality data.
Concurrent sessions will include topics applicable to cybersecurity, policies and standards, instructional and digital technology, and data. Attendees will learn about best practices using MDE data systems, obtain insights of federal and state reporting requirements, and reporting changes for Fiscal Year 2021.
Registration information will be sent soon. MDE staff will present live sessions followed by Q&A. Mark your calendar now!
For more information, email Barbara Young at byoung@mdek12.org or call 601-359-2951.