MDE to recognize Nov. 18 as National Parental Involvement Day

The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) will recognize this Thursday, Nov. 18, as National Parental Involvement Day, acknowledging that learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom. 


This event, held annually on the third Thursday of November during American Education Week, provides an opportunity for schools and families to honor and highlight the powerful contributions parents and caregivers provide at school and home to support student success. 

As a reminder, MDE’s Strong Readers Strong Leaders online program is a great resource for parents and caregivers to help build their child’s reading skills.  

The website includes resources for children from birth through 5th grade. It contains strategies for developing strong reader habits and a series of activities to practice the five components of reading: working with sounds, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. Also included are tools for families to find books that match their child’s grade and a free, online library. 


National Parental Involvement Day was created in 1994 by Project Appleseed.