Teachers and districts are encouraged to partner with the MDE to promote the new teacher recruitment campaign, TeachMS, to encourage high school and college students and professionals seeking a new career opportunity to consider teaching.
The campaign’s theme, “TeachMS – Empower and Inspire Generations of Change,” is designed to appeal to an array of potential educators who want to impact the more than 470,000 students in Mississippi. As part of the campaign’s development, high school and college students provided insight into what’s important to them if they are to consider a career in education. Also, current teachers from across the state shared stories about what motivates them to commit to the profession.
To find out more about the campaign, visit teachms.org and follow TeachMS on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Teachers are encouraged to send their inspiring stories to teachms@mdek12.org, and they may be shared as part of the campaign. Also, feel free to post a link to TeachMS on your website and share on your social media pages.
View and share the TeachMS launch video to remind teachers of the impact they have on students!