MDE COVID-19 Updates, Information and Q&A Web Page
Please be sure to check the MDE COVID-19 Information webpage for updates, information and Q&A on key topics. We regularly add guidance, answers to questions and links to our daily update email. Daily updates are also posted in the Administrator News section of the EdUpdate email newsletter.
District Learning-at-Home Resources
Visit MDE’s new Learning-at-Home Resources for Districts webpage for resources for districts, teachers and counselors looking for off-site learning opportunities during this extended school closure. Resources have been divided into the following categories and will be updated regularly:
- Multiple Content Area Resources
- English Language Arts Resources
- Mathematics Resources
- Science Resources
- Social Students Resources
- Counselor Resources
- Virtual Learning Resources
Student Enrollment
If parents contact a district attempting to enroll their child during the school closure, the district will need to enroll the student. The district will need to consider grading and credits awarded under district policy. For instance, if a student dropped out previously and wants to re-enroll to graduate now that an End-of-Course (EOC) test is not required, that may be a district concern. It is suggested that a Local Education (LEA) put enrollment procedures in place during this time. A LEA may consider providing an alternative method (phone) to temporarily enroll a student until further notice (the receipt of records once things are back to normal). A LEA does not have the authority to deny enrollment to a student unless there are federal provisions that would overrule our state law. As always, consult with your board attorney.
REACH MS: Utilizing PBIS During COVID-19
With many schools beginning online classes, PBIS can still be utilized to encourage appropriate behavior. Join REACH MS on a live webinar as they share (and open the mic for others to share) strategies and resources regarding PBIS and online teaching.
Meeting: Tuesday, March 31, 2020, at 4 – 5 p.m.
Topic: Utilizing PBIS During COVID-19
Registration Link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3111718367946223372