Do You Have Questions for MDE?
Please check the MDE COVID-19 Information webpage before emailing your questions to MDE staff. The answers to most of the questions we receive are addressed on the webpage. We also regularly add guidance, answers to new questions and links to our daily update email on this webpage. Daily updates are posted in the Administrator News section of the EdUpdate.
Webinar on April 29: USDA Rural Development Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant
Please join this webinar on April 29 to learn about the USDA Rural Development Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant. This grant can be used to fund audio/visual telecommunications equipment to establish (or expand) distance learning and/or telemedicine programs. The webinar will provide details on the program as well as guidance on the application process. The current application window is open now through July 13, 2020. Awards can range from $50,000 to $1M, and a 15% match is required. State and local governments, tribes, non-profits, and for-profits are eligible. Additional information can be found at: https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/distance-learning-telemedicine-grants