The MDE is gathering information from districts to better understand how you are supporting continued student learning during the extended school closure. We are particularly interested in how your district is delivering content to students, what content your district is using with students, and how your district plans to calculate student grades. Additionally, through the collection of these plans, we are confirming that districts are serving all students, including students with disabilities and English learners. This plan does not require lengthy responses and should only take a few minutes to complete. Read instructions here for completing your District-Name-2019-20-Learning-at-Home-Plan. The plan is due by 5 p.m. TODAY.
U.S. Department of Education Fact Sheet
This U.S Department of Education (ED) Fact Sheet responds to frequently asked questions related to the use of grant funds from ED during the novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) with respect to compensation, travel, and conference costs that are otherwise allowable costs under applicable program statutes and regulations. If you have additional questions or comments related to these questions and answers, please contact your ED program officers or send your questions to: COVID-19@ed.gov. This document is also available at: www.ed.gov/coronavirus.
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Webinar
The MDE will host a webinar on Tuesday, April 14, at 10 a.m. to provide an overview of the federal CARES Act. The webinar will focus on the Education Stabilization Fund and the waivers offered to states by the United States Department of Education (ED). This webinar will be of particular interest to superintendents, business managers, federal programs directors, school improvement directors, special education directors, and CTE directors. To register for this webinar, please click here. The MDE has not yet received final guidance or funds from ED regarding the implementation of the CARES Act.
Do You Have Questions for MDE?
Please check the MDE COVID-19 Information webpage before emailing your questions to MDE staff. We regularly add guidance, answers to questions and links to our daily update email. Daily updates are posted in the Administrator News section of the EdUpdate.