Mathematics Coaching Services – State RFP Posted

The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE), through the Office of Academic Education, is soliciting competitive sealed proposals from qualified vendor(s) for Mathematics Instructional Coaching Services for the 2021-2022 school year.  Qualified vendors are encouraged to apply.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) is located here.  And, may also be accessed directly from the MDE homepage (  by clicking the “Public Notices” link under the “Community” tab.

An optional pre-proposal conference for interested vendors to meet (virtually) with designated MDE staff will take place on Monday, September 20, 2021 at 1p CST.   Interested vendors are encouraged to review the RFP in its entirety for registration information, and additional details and deadlines about this initiative.

Because this is a state published RFP, MDE staff cannot answer any individual questions.  All questions about the RFP must be submitted via email to the appropriate MDE program office (mdavis@mdek12.orgby 5:00 pm on September 21, 2021.   Responses will be posted on the webpage with the RFP on September 24, 2021.

The due date for prospective vendors to reply to this RFP is October 12, 2021.