The Mississippi Department of Education’s Office of Elementary Education and Reading, Division of Literacy, is pleased to announce Literacy Live!, a virtual professional development series for secondary teachers. Join us on Wednesdays from 3:00-4:30 p.m. to learn about the Science of Reading from national and state literacy experts.
CEU and SEMI credits will be available for participants who attend all four (4) sessions in the series.
March 10: In Their Shoes: What It Is Like Struggling to Read featuring Hillary Sapanski, Courtney Sherriff, and Katrina Jones, MDE Literacy Coaches
April 7: Integrating Evidence-Based Literacy Strategies Throughout the School Day featuring Laurie Lee and Kevin Smith, REL-Southeast @ FCRR, Florida State University
May 5: Advanced Phonics Instruction featuring Valerie Gilbert, Amber Hicks, and Chelsea Kilgore, MDE Literacy Coaches
June 2: Reading Across All Contents: Implementing Reading Science Practices from the Classroom to the System-Level, featuring Staci Bain and Superintendent Paul Gordon, Wenatchee School District, Washington State