Learning Acceleration Guidance for Early Childhood Classrooms

The Office of Early Childhood has developed a guide for school districts:  District Consideration Guidance to Support Learning Acceleration in Early Childhood Classrooms

This guide was created to help school districts think meaningfully about how to approach the upcoming school year to provide the best pathways of learning for students. This document provides considerations for summer/fall school innovations to extended day and community partnerships. Districts are encouraged to use these considerations when developing a plan to use federal funds to accelerate student learning due to COVID-19.

The Office of Early Childhood will take a deep dive into this document on Wednesday, May 12th from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.  If you are interested in attending, you may register at this link:   https://gsmu.mdek12.org/public/Course/browse?courseid=11363

If you have questions, please email earlychildhoodtrainings@mdek12.org.