The Harrison County School District launched an exciting new program this school year that allows students to earn a college degree while they are still in high school. This innovative program is called Collegiate Academy, and it is only offered in South Mississippi through Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College.
A MESSAGE FOR ALL STUDENTS AND PARENTS IN THE HARRISON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT: We want to make you aware of a new program this year that allows students in the district to graduate with two diplomas: high school and an associate’s degree!Check out this video to learn more about this exciting opportunity!#EmpoweringExcellenceinEveryone
Posted by Harrison County School District MS on Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Through Collegiate Academy, students at D’Iberville High, West Harrison High and Harrison Central High can now earn their high school diploma AND their associate’s degree at the same time. Collegiate Academy gives highly-motivated high school juniors and seniors who enroll in dual credit courses the opportunity to earn up to 60 hours of college credit. That means students can graduate high school with an Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, or Associate of Applied Science Degree. The credit hours are transferable to universities in Mississippi, or an industry certification that will allow students to start working immediately.
Students in the program will be exposed to a rigorous college curriculum, get individual attention through faculty tutoring, and be involved in both high school and college activities. The classes are taught at the high school and at the MGCCC campus or online. MGCCC will work with the students to customize their schedules.
Middle school and 9th graders are encouraged to start planning early, so they can be prepared to apply for the program prior to their junior year.