Equity for All…All for Equity Conference is Nov. 15-16; Register by Nov. 10

The Mississippi Department of Education Office of Federal Programs will host the All for Equity… Equity for ALL conference Nov. 15-16, at the Jackson Convention Complex in Jackson, Mississippi.  Registration deadline is Thursday, Nov. 10. 

The conference’s purpose is for participants to learn and share transformational programs and policies to improve equitable student outcomes and to develop a network of educators who will, over time, implement a plan within Mississippi’s educational system that encompasses “Equity for ALL.”

Several required sessions are planned for EL Coordinators, Homeless Coordinators, School Attendance Officers and 21st CCLC Program Directors/Coordinators. The MDE also recommends family and community engagement liaisons, foster care coordinators, JDCs, and other stakeholders involved in providing students instructional and support services attend the conference. 

REGISTER: Click here to register.