This section of the EdUpdate includes important notifications from the Mississippi Department of Education to school and district superintendents and administrators. These announcements will remain posted for 90 days. View information about professional development opportunities and resources in other sections of the EdUpdate.
2022 Mississippi Parent of the Year application deadline is Jan. 25
The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) Parent of the Year application deadline is Jan. 25, 2022. For the Parent of the Year Program, each local school district is invited to…
Upcoming School Nurse Grant Opportunity
The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) Office of Healthy Schools in partnership with the Mississippi State Department of Health will provide an upcoming grant opportunity to increase the number of…
Child Nutrition Supply Chain Issues Addressed
Due to ongoing supply chain issues, there is a nationwide shortage of food and supplies that are used for school meals programs. The Mississippi Department of Education Child Nutrition Statewide…
Chiefs for Change High-Dosage Tutoring Guidebook Released
Chiefs for Change has released a comprehensive guidebook for leaders seeking to launch high-dosage tutoring initiatives. The guidebook contains actionable step-by-step materials to establish and scale a local program, including…
Two Lead School Improvement Coach employment opportunities available
The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) has partnered with the North Mississippi Education Consortium and the Department of Teacher Education at The University of Mississippi to create a network of…
Proposed Changes to Part 4, Licensure Guidelines K-12 Administrative Procedures Act (APA) Notice
On October 21, 2021, the State Board of Education (SBE) granted approval to begin the Administrative Procedures Act (APA) process to revise Miss. Code 7 – 4: Part 4: Licensure…
High School Algebra Institute registration deadline is Nov. 21
The Center for Mathematics and Science Education and GEAR UP MISSISSIPPI are proud to present the High School Algebra Institute. Algebra serves as a bridge between students’ early computation learning…
Science Teaching with Embedded Primary Sources is Jan. 13-14
The Center for Mathematics and Science Education (CMSE) at The University of Mississippi will be hosting a special professional development opportunity Jan. 13-14, 2022 at the University of Mississippi…
NASA Mississippi Space Grant Consortium Annual Teachers Conference set for Jan. 7-8
NASA Mississippi Space Grant Consortium, in partnership with the Center for Mathematics and Science Education (CMSE), is hosting the 2022 Annual Teachers Conference. This conference is designed for math…
Science Teaching with Embedded Primary Sources
The Center for Mathematics and Science Education (CMSE) at The University of Mississippi will be hosting a special online professional development opportunity Feb. 4 – April 4, 2022. During this…