This section of the EdUpdate includes important notifications from the Mississippi Department of Education to school and district superintendents and administrators. These announcements will remain posted for 90 days. View information about professional development opportunities and resources in other sections of the EdUpdate.
Under the Microscope science virtual professional learning event is Oct. 30
The Mississippi Department of Education’s Office of Secondary Education presents Under the Microscope 2025, a virtual professional learning and leading series for Mississippi science stakeholders. This month’s event is set…
National School Bus Safety Week is Oct. 21-25
National School Bus Safety Week is Oct. 21-25. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is urging drivers to slow down and be aware of school…
Register by Jan. 17 for Enhancing Instructional Leadership course on Science of Reading
The Mississippi Department of Education’s (MDE) Division of Literacy announces that registration is now open for the asynchronous course Enhancing Instructional Leadership: The Science of Reading and Effective Learning Walk…
Librarians: Apply by Nov. 7 for the Mathical Collection Development Awards
School Library Journal and the Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute have announced the 2024 funding program aimed at getting literary fiction and nonfiction inspiring a love of math into the hands…
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching program is accepting nominations, applications
To recognize passionate 7th-12th grade STEM teachers who have significantly impacted STEM education in their local community, the Mississippi Department of Education encourages individuals to nominate others or themselves for…
MAGNOLIA K-12 digital resources training available for librarians, educators
The Mississippi Alliance for Gaining New Opportunities Through Library Information Access (MAGNOLIA) Outreach Coordinator, Mikayla Johnson, is providing free professional development materials and in-person or virtual interactive training to educators…
MDE, Paper invite district, school administrators to a learning webinar Oct. 23
The Mississippi Department of Education invites Mississippi district and school administrators to a free live webinar set for 4-5 p.m. CT on Wednesday, Oct. 23. During this session, administrators will…
Counselors: Applications for Mississippi Governor’s School due Nov. 1
Educators and Counselors: Applications for the Mississippi Governor’s School (MGS) are now open and due by Nov. 1. MGS is a prestigious, tuition-free, two-week residential program designed for Mississippi’s most gifted…
District, school High-Quality Instructional Material professional learning opportunity available
The Mississippi Department of Education’s Office of Elementary Education and Reading Division of Literacy is offering in-person school and district-level High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) training sessions aligned to the Mississippi…
Mandatory suicide prevention documentation due Oct. 31
School districts that have not submitted the Mental Health Assurance Form, must do so by Tuesday, Oct. 31. This form is a mandatory annual requirement and should be sent to…