This section of the EdUpdate includes important notifications from the Mississippi Department of Education to school and district superintendents and administrators. These announcements will remain posted for 90 days. View information about professional development opportunities and resources in other sections of the EdUpdate.
Superintendents: Please review School Guardian Act letter
To Mississippi School District Superintendents: Please see the attached Guardian Letter from Commissioner Tindell regarding the School Guardian Act, which allows districts to select employees to be trained and armed…
Artificial Intelligence resource guide released; Webinar set for April 17
The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) announces the release of a resource guide titled Artificial Intelligence: Guidance for K-12 Classrooms and a webinar about artificial intelligence (AI) set for April 17….
Empowering Educators: Crafting Professional Development Plans That Work workshop set for May 29-30
The Mississippi Department of Education’s Office of Professional Development will have a two-day, in-person workshop for K-12 district teams titled Empowering Educators: Crafting Professional Development Plans That Work set for…
Reviewers needed for Math, Social Studies, Arts, and CTE instructional materials adoption; Apply by April 15
The Mississippi Department of Education defines High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) as materials that are aligned to the Mississippi College-and Career-Readiness Standards, externally validated, comprehensive, and which include engaging texts (books,…
MDE Office of Student Assessment Content and Bias Review interest survey due April 24
The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) Office of Student Assessment (OSA) is seeking qualified participants for a MAAP ELA and Math; MAAP-A Alternate ELA, Alternate Math, and Alternate Science Content and…
Elementary Computer Science teachers can register now for Summer Institute
In June and July, the Center for Cyber Education will be providing training opportunities for both new Elementary Computer Science teachers and returning Elementary Computer Science teachers who want to…
Regional HLP one-day trainings for spring, summer announced
The Mississippi Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Office of Professional Development announce one-day in-person trainings for K-12 general and special education teachers. The one-day event consists of…
Free K-12 Science of Reading Summer School Lessons and Training available
On May 1, the Really Great Reading will release its free digital Science of Reading Summer School Lessons and Training again. After completing the complimentary training, educators will receive a…
MDE seeks superintendent for Mississippi Schools for the Deaf and the Blind
The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) is seeking a permanent superintendent to oversee all operations, functions, and activities at the Mississippi Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (MSDB). Interested…
Sessions on Desmos, TI-84 calculators set for March 18, March 20
The Mississippi Department of Education’s Division of Mathematics is hosting Efficient Calculation Techniques: Exploring Desmos & the TI-84 Calculators in-person sessions on March 18 and March 20, in Jackson, Mississippi….