This section of the EdUpdate includes important notifications from the Mississippi Department of Education to school and district superintendents and administrators. These announcements will remain posted for 90 days. View information about professional development opportunities and resources in other sections of the EdUpdate.
District Summer Enrichment Plans
School districts have submitted plans in accordance with Governor Tate Reeves’ Executive Order 1476. Plans have been reviewed and accepted by the MDE and are posted online at
AASA Guidelines for Reopening Schools
The AASA COVID-19 Recovery Task Force has been working hard to create recommendations that represent the consensus-driven opinions of Task Force members combined with additional recommendations from national and international…
New Resource: Special Education and Distance Learning
When the nation’s seven million students with disabilities, their families and their schools transitioned to distance learning, parents became deeply concerned about the educational progress of their children, and advocates were…
SREB Virtual and Blended Instruction Workshop
Online and Blended Instruction Workshop Join us for a new national professional development workshop — Engaging Students in a Blended Instructional World — that helps educators like you adapt your…
MDE COVID-19 Guidance to Districts as of June 18, 2020
Note: The MDE COVID-19 Guidance email will now be distributed on Mondays and Wednesdays. Pandemic Electronic Benefits Program (P-EBT) Recently Mississippi was approved to participate in the Pandemic Electronic Benefits…
Administrative Procedures Act process to revise Career Pathway licensure option, 971 Teacher Academy
On June 11, 2020, the State Board of Education (SBE) granted approval to begin the Administrative Procedures Act process to revise Career Pathway licensure option, 971 Teacher Academy; to revise…
Administrative Procedures Act process to repeal Miss. Admin. Code: 7-139, Accreditation Audit Procedures
On June 11, 2020, the State Board of Education (SBE) granted approval to begin the Administrative Procedures Act process to repeal Miss. Admin. Code: 7-139, Accreditation Audit Procedures.. To review…
Pandemic Electronic Benefits Program (P-EBT)
Recently Mississippi was approved to participate in the Pandemic Electronic Benefits Program (P-EBT). This program provides benefits to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and non-SNAP households for children who have…
Report: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Education
Supporting Independent Learners in Pandemic Era_Jun2020 The Mississippi Department of Education is proud to have co-authored and endorsed a recent set of recommendation from Aspen Education regarding culturally and linguistically…
MOCA Course Review
For courses to be approved for use as online classes, local school districts must apply to the Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) for approval to ensure the vendor/provider’s content, curriculum,…