This section of the EdUpdate includes important notifications from the Mississippi Department of Education to school and district superintendents and administrators. These announcements will remain posted for 90 days. View information about professional development opportunities and resources in other sections of the EdUpdate.
CTE Teacher Reimbursement
Greetings Superintendents and CTE Directors: The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) has discovered that an overpayment was made during the October Transfers for the CTE Teacher Reimbursement Program. We have…
Mississippi Seal of Biliteracy Approved
The Mississippi State Board of Education voted on Thursday, October 10, 2019, to approve a Mississippi Seal of Biliteracy policy and Mississippi Seal of Biliteracy Guidelines. These documents outline process…
Alert Parents About New Mississippi Works Publication
MSWORSKClassroomGuide2019 (1) Greetings Superintendents, CTE Directors, and School Counselors: By now your school should have received copies of the inaugural Mississippi Works publication. This new publication in partnership with the…
RFP Released for MCOPS Grant
The Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Mississippi Community Oriented Policing Services in Schools (MCOPS) Grant has been released. The link to the RFP is If your district responded…
School Recognition Program Teacher Award Criteria
Per guidance by the Legislature, the School Recognition Program award shall be paid to the current staff of the eligible school. There is no requirement to pay any portion of…
State Board to Consider Eliminating U.S. History Assessment
The Commission on School Accreditation voted unanimously on Aug. 19 to accept the recommendation of the Mississippi Testing Task Force and to recommend the Mississippi State Board of Education (SBE) begin…
Mississippi State Fair Field Trip Opportunity – Oct. 11
The Mississippi State Fair will offer a special Field Trip Day for every school in the state. On Friday, October 11 the State Fair will open 4 hours early exclusively…
Literacy-Based Promotion Act Social Media Playbook: English and Spanish Versions Available
This Social Media Playbook is designed to leverage digital media channels to drive awareness and increase the reach of Mississippi’s statewide K-3 literacy campaign. The Playbook is also available in…
LETRS 3rd Edition Training
8.8.19 LETRS_MS_MDE_Flyer_2019_R8 The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE), through the Office of Elementary Education and Reading, is offering LETRS 3rd Edition Training. LETRS 3rd Edition bridges meaningful research into practical classroom strategies. It provides educators with…
Accountability and Licensure Guidelines Administrative Procedures Act (APA) Notices
Administrative Procedures Act (APA): There are two new APA postings that were approved by the SBE for the Office of Accountability. On July 18, 2019, the State Board of Education…