This section of the EdUpdate includes important notifications from the Mississippi Department of Education to school and district superintendents and administrators. These announcements will remain posted for 90 days. View information about professional development opportunities and resources in other sections of the EdUpdate.
Hand Sanitizer: 1 Gallon Jugs, Dispensers, Refill Stations
CRC Pricelist 7-22-20 CRC Dispenser Spec Sheet HSCRC 5-25 We offer bottled products in various sizes and configurations, wall mounted or free standing dispensers and currently in the final development…
Dates to Remember: 2020-21 Administrator Calendar
The Mississippi Department of Education is pleased to provide school and district administrators with the updated Dates to Remember: 2020-2021 Administrator Calendar guidance document that includes important dates that may be required under Mississippi State Law…
Superintendents: Important Announcement about SharePoint Online Access
Superintendents: MDE would like to invite you to our new SharePoint Online presence for your district. This will eventually replace the MDE district access site you currently use. The old…
MSDH Current Recommendations for Safely Educating K-12 Students
Please read the Mississippi State Department of Health’s (MSDH) current recommendations for safely educating K-12 students. Mississippi is facing the unprecedented challenge of providing quality education to K-12 students while…
Virtual Literacy Guide and Webinar for K-5 Teachers
The Office of Elementary Education and Reading, Division of Literacy, in collaboration with Barksdale Reading Institute (BRI) has developed a Virtual Literacy Instruction Guide for Kindergarten through Grade 5 Teachers. This…
Back-to-School COVID-19 Prevention Products
Over the past months TSC, Inc. has played a key role in supplying needed PPE items for government agencies, essential healthcare providers and businesses. We are optimistic about the future…
Clarity Regarding Executive Order 1517
The MDE asked the Office of the Governor for clarity about Executive Order 1517, which delays the start of the academic year until August 17 for students in grades 7-12 in school districts located in Bolivar, Coahoma, Forrest,…
Virtual Literacy Instruction Guide for K-5 Teachers (New Resource)
The Office of Elementary Education and Reading, Division of Literacy, in collaboration with Barksdale Reading Institute (BRI) has developed a Virtual Literacy Instruction Guide for Kindergarten through Grade 5 Teachers. This…
Screener Guidance for Virtual Administration
Due to an increased number of districts using 100% virtual option for at least some students, the MDE has updated the Fall 2020 Universal Screening and Kindergarten Readiness Guidance Document. Mississippi State Board Policy 41.1 paragraph…
State Board Action on 180-day School Year
In accordance with Miss. Code Ann. § 37-13-63(2) and as a part of the current state of emergency due to COVID-19, the State Board of Education voted today to waive…