Districts asked to complete MTSS survey by Nov. 1

Now that the 2023-24 school year is in full swing, the Mississippi Department of Education Office of Intervention Services is seeking feedback from districts and schools via a survey – MTSS Statewide Needs Assessment – regarding how it can improve ongoing support for multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS).  Please complete the linked survey by Wednesday, Nov. 1.

The target audience for this survey is any school or district staff involved in the implementation and oversight of MTSS. Responses collected through this survey will help guide the Office of Intervention Services in designing meaningful and effective professional development opportunities by identifying overall strengths and weaknesses around MTSS implementation.  If you previously completed this survey through the MTSS network, there is no need to access it again.

For questions, please contact Dr. Cindy Risher at crisher@mdek12.org.

The survey can be found here:  MTSS Statewide Needs Assessment