Diploma Endorsement Options Seals Available for District Use

Beginning with the freshman cohort of 2018-2019, all students will pursue a Traditional Diploma and will have the option to pursue the following additional endorsements:  Career and Technical, Academic, and Distinguished Academic Endorsement.

In preparation for students who graduate with one of the three endorsement options, the Mississippi Department of Education has prepared three seals distinct to each endorsement option that districts can use to recognize their scholars.  Additionally, there are specifications for each seal that can be used by districts when working with their local printer to print the seals.  The seals can be affixed to the diploma or used in other creative ways to recognize the accomplishment of students that earn any of the endorsement options.

To access the seals, visit https://www.mdek12.org/ESE/Diploma-Endorsement-Options-Seals, click on the Seal Printing Specifications or any of the three seals labeled CTE Seals, Academic Seals or Distinguished Academic Seals.  This information may also be accessed from the Office of Secondary Education’s Homepage.