Six Weeks of FREE Online Professional Development from the NAEYC Virtual Institute starting June 1.
NAEYC will offer over 100 presentations of content shared by NAEYC experts and a diverse group of presenters from all sectors of the industry. Our presenters include policy experts, higher education faculty, school leaders, researchers, and educators.
While typically this type of content is only offered at NAEYC Professional Learning Institute, we are providing access to these presentations during the NAEYC Virtual Institute at no charge as our gift to you for all that you give to young children and their families.
In the past few weeks early childhood professionals have seen a tremendous amount of upheaval in their personal and professional lives. Priorities have changed and many of the events we were all looking forward to have had to change as well. Unfortunately, for the safety of everyone, the NAEYC Professional Learning Institute had to be canceled. But we heard from you how the quality professional development you received from that event, and from NAEYC, is now more important than ever.
Who can participate?
The NAEYC Virtual Institute is open to everyone; early childhood professionals, advocates, families and supporters who are interested in early childhood education. You do not need to be a NAEYC member to participate.
What is included?
Explore over a hundred presentations, covering diverse topics from presenters who would have presented at the Professional Learning Institute. Attendees will receive a certificate of attendance for each presentation they view.
How do I participate?
Each week you’ll have the opportunity to login and select from a variety of new presentations to meet your needs.
Stay tuned for more information on how to sign up!