College & Career Readiness Course Training Opportunities

As a part of the Mississippi Diploma endorsement options, the College and Career Readiness (CCR) course will be a required course for the Class of 2022. The course does not require a specific teacher endorsement; however, high schools are encouraged to send at least one teacher and one counselor to a training.

Virtual training will be offered in June and July.  This training will be similar to previous CCR summer professional development sessions and CEUs will not be awarded.

CCR registration is now open for high schools:

June 14:

June 17:

June 22:

July 27:

The MS Council on Economic Education is offering a weeklong in-depth Master of Teacher of CCR online workshop.  4.5 CEUs and $500.00 stipend will be awarded to selected participants.  Additional information and registration may be found at:

A copy of the College and Career Readiness curriculum and additional resources are located on the MDE Secondary Education webpage:

Please direct additional questions concerning the College and Career Readiness Course to:

Heather Morrison at



Wendy Clemons, Executive Director
Office of Secondary Education and Professional Development
P.O. Box 771 | Jackson, MS | 39205-0771
Phone 601-359-2869