Additional Resources for Districts Serving English Learners (ELs)

EL team members from the Mississippi Department of Education recently held two EL Check-In Meetings for district personnel working with EL students around the state.  Recordings of the meetings as well as resources shared by districts can be found on the EL Homepage under Tools and Supports or from the following link:

Resources include:

  1. Slide deck for administrator meeting (English Learner Check-In for Administrators)
  2. Slide deck for teacher meeting (English Learner Check-In for Teachers)
  3. Recording for administrator meeting (English Learner Check-In for Administrators)
  4. Recording for teacher meeting  (English Learner Check-In for Teachers)
  5. Additional resources shared in the chat and in the discussion (Compiled list of resources shared by Districts)

Also found on this page are a book discussion template from Desoto County School District for the book The 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners (Agenda) as well as an example for submitting CEUs for the book discussion (CEU information).

For support with Language Service Plan addendums, districts may wish to adjust the following shared templates as needed to meet district/school/student needs:

  1. Template from Laurel School District (Laurel LSP Addendum),
  2. Template from Harrison County School District (Harrison County LSP Addendum).