Action Needed by June 18 to Ensure P-EBT Cards for Eligible Students

PEBT Student Information for DISTRICT_NUMBER
P-EBT District Data Instructions


In response to the ongoing COVID-19 challenges facing our state, the Mississippi Department of Human Services, with support from the Mississippi Department of Education, has submitted a plan to the USDA to issue Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transaction (P-EBT) cards to Mississippi students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch (FRPL) benefits.

Through P-EBT, eligible school children will receive temporary emergency nutrition benefits loaded on EBT cards that are used to purchase food. Children who normally would have received free or reduced-price meals under the National School Lunch Act are eligible if their schools were closed or operating with reduced hours or reduced attendance for at least 5 consecutive days.

For students to receive benefits, districts must report closures and students eligible for free or reduced lunch meals.  Reporting school and student information will be a two-step process.

1)    For each school, please complete this MDHS survey Pandemic EBT Learning Mode Survey ( that will report school closures and reduced hours or attendance.

2)    Upload information on eligible students to an MDE Office of Technology and Strategic Solutions (OTSS) SharePoint site. Invitations have been sent to each district’s MSIS coordinator for the MDE OTSS SharePoint site.

Attached to this email are:

  • Instructions for the transmission of student data to the MDE
  • A spreadsheet template for reporting student information

We strongly encourage every school to participate as P-EBT will provide benefits to some of Mississippi’s most vulnerable children. For questions, please contact the MDENET Help Desk 601-359-3487 (MDE OTSS) or Scott Clements 601-576-4990 (MDE Office of Child Nutrition).