Join us for a FREE series of 2-hour introductory workshops on innovative practices for teaching students in a virtual setting. These sessions will help you adapt Join us for a FREE series of 2-hour introductory workshops on innovative practices for teaching students in a virtual setting. These sessions will help you adapt and modify your curriculum, lessons and assessments while focusing on seven content areas: an introduction to virtual instruction, CTE, literacy, scaffolding, mathematics, social-emotional supports and project-based learning.
Sessions start late August. Find dates and more details on our website.
Register below for one or all sessions!
Successful Virtual Instruction This Fall
Explore strategies for delivering new instruction and engaging students in any setting whether opening fully online or blending in-person and virtual instruction.
CTE in a Virtual Setting
Explore best practices for building students’ technical, academic and employability skills.
Literacy in a Virtual Setting
Join us to model, demo and explore apps and tools and take home a discipline-specific instructional planning framework you can use right away.
Strategic Scaffolding in a Virtual Setting
Help students recover lost learning by meaningfully embedding concepts into your current units or modules.
Mathematics in a Virtual Setting
Gain strategies for delivering meaningful, robust instruction using apps and tools that scaffold and accelerate unfinished learning.
Providing Social-Emotional Supports in a Virtual Setting
Build positive relationships with students and deliver advisory sessions and activities that support students’ well-being — online or off.
Project-Based Learning in a Virtual Setting
Learn how to use project-based learning as a meaningful framework for students to learn content, develop skills and connect the classroom with life beyond school.
Need More? Go Deeper with Virtual Instruction This Fall
Join us later in September for multi-session, in-depth workshops on virtual instruction in literacy, math, project-based learning, CTE, scaffolding instruction and supporting students’ social-emotional needs.
Optional one-on-one coaching will be available. Pricing and dates to follow.