Submit Content to Mississippi Achieves

Mississippi Achieves aims to show how high academic standards positively affect teaching and learning and is a forum for educators to exchange information and resources. Mississippi Achieves is geared toward a broad audience of educators, parents and others with an interest in public education in Mississippi.

The Mississippi Department of Education welcomes submissions to Mississippi Achieves. If you are a teacher, school/district leader or MDE expert and you have stories or tips to share, send them to for consideration. Related photos and/or videos may be attached.

Tips for blog writing:

  • Write clearly in a conversational style.
  • Avoid jargon and technical terms.
  • Try to simplify complex practices, instead linking to resources that go more in depth.
  • Limit submissions to 300-700 words. Breaking a post into sections is helpful (i.e., “five lessons I learned as a literacy coach” or “three tips for integrating technology in your class”).