A national webinar hosted by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Healthy Students and its National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments
Thursday, April 26, 2018
3-4:15 p.m. Eastern Time
Register At https://safesupportivelearning.ed.gov/events/impact-opioid-crisis-k-12-schools
This webinar will provide details on how the opioid crisis affects students and families along with insights into practices and policies that can help address the opioid crisis in schools.
It is designed for State-, district-, and building-level administrators, teachers, and specialized instructional support personnel interested in effective support of students and families impacted by the opioid crisis.
The webinar will include national, State, and local perspectives.
- Opening remarks will be provided by Jason Botel, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Delegated the Authority to Perform the Functions and Duties of Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education.
- Dr. Wilson Compton, Deputy Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, will provide an overview of the opioid crisis including history, demographics, and how brain science can inform school drug prevention activities.
- Reginald Burke, Director, Youth Development Branch, Maryland State Department of Education, will share Maryland’s Statewide effort and multi-tiered response to the opioid crisis at the practice and policy levels.
- McKenzie Harrington-Bacote, Project Director of Laconia, New Hampshire’s School Climate Transformation and Safe Schools/Healthy Students grants and Grants Administrator of Laconia’s Office of Student Wellness, will share her district’s comprehensive response to the opioid crisis, including the realities of the crisis and student/family considerations.For questions regarding the content presented in the webinar, contact ncssle@air.org.
- For more information, go to Opioids.gov (illustrating the magnitude of the opioid crisis and actions the Trump Administration is taking to address it).