AIM Pathways 12th Annual Research to Practice Symposium set for March 11

The Mississippi Department of Education’s Office of Elementary Education, Division of Literacy, in partnership with AIM Pathways is inviting Mississippi educators to attend AIM Pathway’s 12th Annual Research to Practice Symposium on Monday, March 11.

This free event brings together educators and researchers for a full day of literacy professional learning. Last year more than 4,000 people from six continents and all 50 states registered for the event!

Mississippi educators are encouraged to attend and can plan watch parties for the symposium. If interested in hosting such an event, register below and then complete this form to request an AIM care package.

Please see registration information below:

Monday, March 11 – 12th Annual Research to Practice Symposium – The Intersection of Reading and Writing
Language is the foundation for the development of reading and writing. Learn about what the intersection of reading and writing instruction look like for young students, older students, and bilingual students. We invite you to attend AIM’s 12th Annual Research to Practice Symposium to discover the intersection of reading and writing.

When: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. ET

Where: Live Stream Access

Cost: FREE Attendance

CEUs Available from: ALTA, IMSLEC, IDA and Wilson® Professional Learning Credits

Registration link:

Recordings provided to all registrants.

For questions regarding the symposium, please contact Brandi Bankston at