MDE Office of School Improvement convening set for Nov. 13-15; Proposals due Sept. 15

The Mississippi Department of Education (MDE) Office of School Improvement is seeking districts and schools that implemented strategies and/or practices resulting in improved outcomes for learners to showcase this work by presenting at the upcoming school improvement conference set for Nov. 13-15.  If that is you, consider submitting a proposal by Sept. 15, so that your efforts can be shared and recognized across the state with other practitioners.

Call for Proposals

The Office of School Improvement is soliciting proposals from current school and district level practitioners across the state of Mississippi for its annual convening.  This year’s theme is “Urgency Rising!!!”  The convening will be held Nov. 13-15.

Please take a moment to consider submitting a proposal to share the awesome work you are doing to support and increase student learning outcomes at this year’s convening.  Proposals must be submitted for consideration and review by schools or districts no later than Sept. 15.  The goal of the conference is to engage participants in a series of interactive and informational sessions that address instructional and leadership practices to support educators and leaders of schools and districts that are identified as Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI), Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), Additional Targeted Support and Improvement (ATSI), and Schools At-Risk (SAR).

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Contact information: Summer Rigney